The Stage in Life in Which a Hindu Man Raises a Family Is Called _____.


  • What are family traditions: examples
  • What are family traditions and holidays?
  • What values ​​underlie family traditions
  • Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the earth
  • What family traditions are important in raising children
  • Proverbs and poems virtually family traditions

Each family has its own indescribable atmosphere of honey, agreement and warmth. Children born in families adopt this atmosphere. How does it arise? A similar halo in the family unit is created by family traditions, customs or laws of family unit leisure. Often, such laws accept their roots from the family unit foundations of previous generations - they are strong and unshakable. Thank you to them, a feeling of reliability of family relationships is created, a strong connectedness arises betwixt family members, close and trusting relationships are maintained, children experience family unit stability.

Joint trips to the countryside

What are family traditions: examples

Family unit traditions are regularly repeated actions of family members aimed at uniting intra-family unit ties and strengthening the family unit every bit the main foundation of lodge. Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and prosperity, reflecting the moral position of all family members. Each family is individual and has its own history. Family customs allow all members to experience their importance, devote time and attention to relatives, show respect and beloved for them.

Joint vacation trips

Examples of traditions: holding holidays together, thematic lunches on weekends, family trips, reading fairy tales to children at bedtime or singing lullabies, visiting church building on Sundays or religious holidays, writing letters to Santa Claus on New year's day's eve, baking Easter cakes for households, eating together and many others. Watch the video well-nigh the family customs of famous people:

What are family unit traditions and holidays?

  • Holding family unit holidays. This tradition has its roots in the afar past - for centuries it has been customary to spend holidays in the family circumvolve with relatives and close people. The primary such holiday should be called a birthday. In nearly families, it is customary to invite guests to the business firm that day, set the festive table, give gifts to the birthday person and certainly blow out the candles on the festive cake, making a wish. Family holidays include weddings, having children, baptism, etc..

Birthday party

  • Holding public holidays. They include everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. Most families practice the tradition of belongings it together at a large table, with a salad traditional for our country «Olivie» and champagne. Children write messages to Santa Claus in which they ask for the desired gifts. Many families gloat Easter by baking Easter cakes and lighting them in the church. Amidst nationwide holidays, World Workers Day is traditionally celebrated - May 1. On this vacation, most families go on a picnic and melt meat dishes on the grill..

Family New Year's Eve

  • Games with children. It is important that both parents have part in the upbringing of the child, play with him. During games, the child learns the world, acquires new skills, improves his concrete and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, mom teaches her kid to play chess every Saturday, and dad plays soccer with his son on Sundays. Children dear stability, so try not to suspension the established community.

Play with baby

  • Evening discussion of the past day. It is worth paying attention to this important point, because during the discussions everyone has the opportunity to share their successes, failures with relatives, become useful advice or parting words.
  • Sharing a repast. This tradition should be chosen the most of import, considering in that location is nothing nicer than a joint meal with family unit people. This family exercise is practiced past many. During family breakfasts, in that location is a great opportunity to discuss plans for the day and recharge positively. A joint dinner volition allow you to relax, enjoying the company of relatives, share your impressions of the day. It is appropriate that, during articulation meals, everyone nowadays communicate, rather than watch TV.

Family meal together

  • Celebrating significant events. This beautiful custom makes it possible to celebrate such meaning events for the family unit as an anniversary, name day, getting a diploma or leaving school, appointment, upcoming replenishment in the family. Such pocket-size holidays provide an opportunity to share happiness and joy with your loved ones, stimulate new successes..

Family celebration

  • Reading bedtime tales. This is the most important tradition in raising children, because fairy tales let the kid to develop his imagination, to know the globe. In improver, daily reading of fairy tales earlier bedtime develops in the child a certain mode of going to bed. Even if the child is also small-scale to understand the meaning of what he read, the calm and measured voice of mom or dad volition take a calming effect on him. Such an evening ritual will calm even the nigh active children, contributing to a good sound sleep.

Reading fairy tales to children

  • Walks with the whole family unit. For the evolution of the concrete abilities of the child, and maintaining their own, it is of import to accept joint walks. During such a walk, y'all need to communicate, you can consider the sights. In order to instill spiritual values, it is advisable to visit the cinema, theaters, museums, and exhibitions with the whole family. Such trips can broaden the horizons and increase the cultural level of the family equally a whole..

Family walks

  • The tradition of kisses. To create an atmosphere of love, it is of import to osculation your family and friends more ofttimes. Information technology is advisable to osculation the children at least twice a solar day - in the morning when they woke up, in the evening - earlier going to bed. More than frequent kisses and hugs are only welcome, even with an adult child, because with a lack of amore, children abound up draconian. It is also important to wish all relatives good night before a nighttime'south sleep and skilful morning, waking upwards.
  • Articulation trips to rest. Do not underestimate this blazon of leisure, because nearly psychologists recommend maintaining a good human relationship on a regular basis. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries all together in order to escape from routine and everyday life, aggrandize your horizons.

Sea holidays with family

  • Orthodox traditions. These include a joint visit to the church on Orthodox holidays or every Dominicus, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, fasting, baptizing children, reading the Bible, prayers before bedtime, regular visits to deceased relatives.

What values ​​underlie family traditions

Family traditions generate and educate of import values ​​in people: honey for the family, respect for their families, caring for loved ones, a correct understanding of the family and its part in life. Non-observance of family community and foundations can lead to weakening of ties betwixt its members, to the devastation of family ties. Fifty-fifty the cell of society in which love reigns cannot exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

The tradition of sharing

Traditions strengthen children's gratitude to parents and grandparents, while instilling respect for the older generation. To spouses, customs give a sense of stability, stability of family unit relations. 50.North. Tolstoy said: «Happy is he who is happy at home». A person living in a family unit that respects tradition will certainly exist surrounded by care, dearest, warmth and tenderness. With such a person, family well-being must be passed on to other areas of life..

Family traditions of unlike countries and peoples of the earth

Each nation has its own special traditions relating to all spheres of life, and especially this concerns the family. This is due, commencement of all, to the fact that each nation or country has its ain special geography, location, climate, history, unique civilization, adheres to different faiths. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, shape the worldview and mental attitude towards life. Such family structures have existed for centuries, practically unchanged, moving from older family members to younger.

Custom meal

Family cultural traditions in Russian federation history and modernity

If nosotros turn to history, it will go obvious the existence of many traditions in Russia. From fourth dimension immemorial, the main family custom in Russian federation was genealogy - in past times it was considered indecent to not know a kind, and the expression was an insult «Ivan, not remembering kinship». An integral part of the family unit structure was the compilation of a family tree or family unit tree. Besides known are such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and the criticism of a child by a proper name in accolade of one of the respected ancestors.

Russian tradition of joint tea drinking

In modern Russia, the importance of family community has been somewhat lost. For example, today you rarely meet a family that leads its own genealogy. Often, the memory of generations comes downwardly to an album with photographs. Simply such wonderful traditions as a joint meal and holding joint holidays were preserved. Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still involve Cossack life, raising children in the spirit of a Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

In that location is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The nearly strict traditions of the Germans belong to the family unit:

  • information technology is customary to treat your home with the utmost care, carefully removing it and inducing beauty in it;
  • it is not customary to leave grandchildren to enhance a grandmother or grandpa - for this it is necessary to determine the monetary corporeality;
  • parents in old age do not live with children - carers take care of them or they live in special boarding houses;
  • for Christmas information technology is customary for the whole family to gather in the parental home;
  • Germans are prudent and economical, therefore, they have a tradition of putting off savings for former age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

German tradition of gathering with parents

In England

The British have traditions - these are 3 whales on which the Earth rests, so they honor them with special trepidation. Who does not know almost the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are always held over a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they specially gloat Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering with the whole family, preparing traditional dishes. It is necessary to proper noun the tradition of giving the children a adept education as a peachy tradition among the British. It is considered bad form non to transport a kid to a individual boarding schoolhouse or college.

Traditional Thanksgiving in England

In France

In French republic, the custom is widespread - on Sundays to assemble at a common table, drink wine and eat. Of the holidays, the French similar to gloat Christmas, gathering in the parental home. Delicacies such as foie gras, salmon, seafood, iskariot snails and noble cheeses are always present at the festive banquet. The traditional drinkable for Christmas is champagne, and the dessert is «christmas log».

Christmas in France

In Republic of india

Republic of india is a country of the strictest family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, therefore, the result of union there is extremely unusual. The father of the family must cull the future groom for his daughter himself, she was given in marriage only to a representative of his social degree. A magnificent hymeneals celebration is more a duty than a desire. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorces and remarriages in India were previously banned.

Wedding Traditions in India

Buddhist traditions have a great influence on Indian family unit life. Co-ordinate to them, a human should:

  • Show respect for your spouse.
  • Practise non change.
  • Provide a family.
  • Teach children a craft.
  • Find the right pair for your children.

A woman should:

  • Respect your married man.
  • To raise children.
  • Perform all household duties.
  • Do non crook on hubby.
  • Fulfill all wishes of the spouse.

Tatar traditions

Tatars are Muslims, therefore family unit structures are based on the Sharia and the Koran. In Tatars, the creation of a family unit is considered a necessity, dictated by religion. Information technology is interesting that afterward matrimony, the hubby receives full power over his married woman, and the wife is dependent on him - she does not even have the right to get out the house without the consent of her hubby. Divorces in the Tatars are extremely rare exclusively at the initiative of her hubby. Information technology is customary for children to bring up a wife, but they must evidence full obedience to their male parent.

Tatar relatives

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family community play a crucial part in raising children. It is extremely hard to inculcate traditions in an developed, therefore, their manual from generation to generation from parents to children is a frequent occurrence. Children perceive the earth equally their parents do, therefore, the child's perception of the family as the primary element of their life, as well as determining its identify in the value system, depends on pleasant family unit customs.

Family reading tradition

The traditions of family reading earlier bedtime, singing lullabies, kisses at each coming together, joint lunches, walks volition exist useful. They ascertain the concept of stability, the inviolability of family patterns in a child, requite a sense of cohesion, and make children more gentle and affectionate. Information technology is too important to instill in childhood the custom of respecting and honoring one'due south ancestors, visiting them regularly on holidays.

The custom of family communication

Proverbs and poems about family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  • «What a treasure, when in a family».
  • «Children are not a burden, merely a joy».
  • «When the sunday is warm, when the mother is good».
  • «Not the female parent that gave birth, simply the one who raised».
  • «A family unit is potent when there is but 1 roof over it».
  • «The whole family together, and the soul is in place».
  • «The tree is rooted, and the man is a family unit».
  • «If my granddaughters may, I know fairy tales».
  • «Do not hibernate your failures from your parents».
  • «Honor your parents - y'all will not go off-target».
  • «In a family unit where they assist each other, troubles are non terrible».

Poems about the family, also as traditions, see the photograph below:

Family Verse

Family traditions are one of the most important aspects of everyone'south life, therefore it is so important to cultivate and back up them in every fashion. Family unit life without traditions would be boring. It is wonderful when young families themselves, relying on the experience of the family life of their parents, calculation to them their personal moments. The chief goal is to get closer to the rest of the relatives, build a strong reliable family, besides as enjoy communication with loved ones. be happy!


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